I know when it rains, it doesn't always pour; it can be misty... it can sprinkle... but the phrase "When It Rains It Pours," could not hit me any harder right now.
There has been so many things going on and going "wrong" that without God in my life, I think I'd go crazy. Don't get me wrong, I still have melt downs and cry my eyes out, but I am confident that it will all end up fine (even if His "fine" is different from what I would consider to be fine).
The last couple of weeks have caused me to step back and pray, and ask God what it is that I should be learning right now. ROMANS 5 helps get me through all that is going on. Along with verses such as JEREMIAH 29:11. That's a verse that everyone who grew up in a "Christian" home learned and memorized. I even know a song to sing it with. So to some, this verse may seem cliche, but to me it means everything. God already knows what's going on. He can see me days and even years from now, and the reality of that is mind-blowing and comforting all at the same time.
Things may get difficult, but He has my best interest in mind like a good dad does. I love Him and I trust Him, even when I'm crying like a baby.