Each week I get to watch Daniel, Vincent, and Gavin. They are adorable boys and are super good kids. With permission from their mom I am posting some pictures of them on both my blogs.

Daniel is a good big brother. In this picture he was trying to see my eye through the lens of the camera.

Vincent has a ton of personality and loves to talk. He made this funny face while eating his cereal in the morning.

Gavin is adorable. He may be a little guy, but he is a big sweetheart.
Yesterday we went to the park. It's always a nice walk for me while Daniel rides his motorcycle and Vincent rides his bike. Last week, Vincent lost momentum when trying to go up a hill. He stopped, then stated, "I ran out of gas." Too funny!

While we were at the park, the boys had a lot of fun on the swings. I love the sound of kids' laughter. Then, Vincent showed me how the lion at the zoo roars. So cute!


After the park we had some lunch, put together some puzzles, did some art, and played with Playdoh. Nap time was soon after that. Oh to be a kid again.

What lucky boys to have such a fun babysitter!